Yeah I know the SOAP based web services are no longer widely used since REST based web services have decreased the usage of SOAP based services. Today how ever I wanted to talk about the differences in two types of SOAP based web services (RPC and SOAP).
RPC based web service with jax-ws
This type of webservices does marshalling and unmarshalling in the SOAP engine. Therefore if the message is large, then the conversion becomes a huge overhead. Hence implementing coarse grained funtionality becomes a problem. Also inter-operatability of this type is not that good plus the support for custom data types is very low since the restrictions on encoding styles. However on the other hand, the implementation of this type of a web service using jax-ws is very simple. And also is good for fine grained functionality.
Document based web services are have the qualities exactly opposite to the above mentioned rpc based qualities. They are widely used where you need to transfer lots of data using large xml files.
By comparison however the document based web services are used than rpc based services.